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Michael Dickerson

Michael Dickerson Before and After Photo

Procedure Type: Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

Procedure Date: November, 2013

Why did you decide to have bariatric surgery?

My health was getting worse due to being morbidly obese which affected my knees and heart. I tried other weight-loss methods but was not successful.

How much weight have you lost since the beginning of the process?

I have lost 160 lbs since starting the journey. My heaviest weight was 375 lbs and now I am currently 215 lbs.

What has been the hardest thing to get accustomed to after surgery?

Not letting my eyes overload my stomach.

What is the best feeling of accomplishment you have experienced since your surgery?

Being the same size I was when I was a senior in high school, in 1978.

Do you have any advice for patients considering surgery, or those who are getting discouraged after surgery?

Attend support meetings. If you cannot attend, start your own or join one on Facebook (contact me at and I will set you up). Also, as you lose weight you will reach plateaus, but do not let this discourage you. It is normal. It may take a few weeks, but you will start losing again if you stick with your diet.

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Our goal is to help individuals achieve better health through surgical management of obesity. We specialize in Gastric Bypass Surgery and Sleeve Gastrectomy. We are located in Tyler and treat patients from Longview, Athens, Jacksonville, Palestine, Kilgore, Marshall, Gilmer and many other locations in East Texas.


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UT Health Tyler Bariatric Center

1100 E. Lake St., Suite 150 Tyler, TX 75701 903-593-0230

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